Jack’s Bootleg of the Week – 2

Hot Box – “Lost Cause

So it was September of 1992 and I was working for Ray Flynn and the City of Boston Mayor’s Office; I was doing sound for Ray’s public events and mixing all the shows down at City Hall Plaza, Waterfront Park, etc… That was when my old friend John Bionelli called and told me about what he called “Rick’s Last Romp.” Boston’s rock band The Outlets, he told me, were breaking up; and their last show would be at The Rat on September 19th. Now the city sound crew had heard me talking about the Outlets for a few years by then, so someone said; “Shit Jack, that’s an open day for us. Let’s pack some gear in a truck and head down there to record those guys’ last gig.” So after checking with the band through Johny B, off we went to The Rat.

We set up a 24 channel split snake with Granny, the House Engineer, and ran everything out to a 24 channel board in the truck. I mixed this 24 by 2 live into a DAT with a cassette deck for back up. What you hear is what we got using the opening act, a Boston band named HOTBOX for our recording sound check. Truth is, I don’t think that band even knew we were recording them! But the crowd at The Rat LOVED them.

I never heard of HOTBOX again. In fact, I don’t even know what they looked liked as I was mixing blind. Natchet and I tried to find a picture of them on line yesterday, but all we found was another band called THE Hotbox, so don’t be confused. If anyone out there knows people from the ORIGINAL HOTBOX, direct them to our website and this bootleg; we would be happy to chat with them. We just might have a recording of their entire set 😉

Now what about The Outlets? Well, let’s just say that’s another story better left for another time. But if you’re an Outlet’s fan, rest assured that there most likely WILL be some Outlets bootlegs showing up here in the future. But probably not before we release an ass kicking Boys Life bootleg! 🙂

As for now, just sit back and check out a young Boston rock band that had no idea their performance was being captured on tape to be shared on the internet almost 20 years later. I left this one UNeditted for the sake of an old friend of mine who might want to hear a real “remember when.” So remember kiddies, you never know when those “room mikes” just might catch you in front of YOUR kids nineteen years later!

Enjoy, Jack

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